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Cleansing Oil

Normal Skin
Cleansing Oil
Cleansing Oil

Based on the scientific principle that like dissolves like, the oil cleansing method utilizes beneficial oils that penetrate deep into pores to dissolve grime and build-up. This age-old method of cleansing effectively purifies + nourishes the skin while keeping its natural moisture barrier in-tact.

• Made with a blend of oils known to detoxify the skin and dissolve impurities without over-drying so that you're left with a complexion that feels soft, clean and balanced.
• Please keep in mind that it may take 2-3 weeks for your skin to fully adjust to this method of cleansing, as your complexion may need some time to fully detoxify from build-up.
• For an ultra deep + effective cleanse, we recommend double cleansing with our Cleansing Oil followed by our Baby Bar.


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